Friday, July 13, 2007

Detrimental Loyalty

At what point do you call it quits?
What is Detrimental?

I have many vices, some more controling than others, others more harmful than some. My delema is this, a friend of mine has yet to figure out the meaning of financial independance. Simple question is, how much is enough? When do you stop helping and move on.

Ive never had to abandon a friendship,(I dont plan to now) but sometimes I think we have to grow up. I supose that to some degree that alot of people out their could look at what im doing (which is being financialy involved with a friend way beyond my means) and would probably want to slap me in the face. What is Loyalty and Honor? Are the meanings of these words worth Hiding behind because you know that someone has little self worth. Most of the time when I hear these kinds of things Im in a movie or reading a book of some kind. Perhaps someone is giving a serman or a speach. When was the last time you noticed a person who was Loyal or Honorable?

My reason for asking this is, I feel Ive hidden behind the meaning of these words to help a friend. I wish him the best, Im just wondering if Ive added to his problem or am I actually doing something that Jesus would want me to do? (appart from the bitching and moaning)

1 comment:

Brody Harper said...

There comes a point where helping in one way is hurting in another. You and I both know that you can care for someone from a distance. We have all had to, or will have to make that decision at some point.

I knew a couple of guys after high school that were going a completely different direction than me, and I had to decide to follow along with them and enable them to affect my life, or make a pretty difficult stand, and watch them hang out together without me.

In the end, I think it has turned out pretty well, and I think we are closer for it.