Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mark Hamill

So I think im going to cut my hair as soon as our guests leave. the reason being is that I actually had a mental image of this. for some reason I looked in a mirror today and thought of Mark Hamil. not a good thing I dont think but something I dont need to work towards, especially since i think it would come naturaly. so maybe I'll let you see what I decide on.

Just out of curiosity. Ive been wondering who actually reads this so if you do, please let me know what your worst hair cut was in as little amount of word as you can describe it in.


Brody Harper said...

I read this...

and here is my worst haircut story.

Kyle Ray said...

Just got here...worste hair cut wasn't bad just not what i wanted...i wanted to be able to spike my hair back when that was cool, instead the guy just shaved my head as close as he could get with clippers.

urban mama said...

I read this. My worst was a hair coloring that made my hair orange and I had to pay a lot of money to fix it.

randy said...

mine was self inflicted. I wanted to cut just the back of my hair so the top would catch up to it, but I cut it to high and I looked too much like my sister so I had to cut it.

annie said...

Hi Randy - I read this from time to time, and my worst haircut was probably in my sophomore year when I chose to let go of about 18 inches of hair and got a "boy cut." It shocked everyone. I blame Wilson Phillips. I'll never do that again.

this little sonic iceberg said...

kevin was here.
i think i'm about to have my worst haircut, as i'm contemplating shaving my head for the summer. your blog keeps looking nicer, too.

kddub said...

Kristin reads too...

worst hair cut, looked like and artichoke.