Sunday, September 16, 2007

Test of 2008

I dont really have much to say about why just yet, but I've decided, out of curiosity, to see if I can wear only select clothes for one year. I dont think it will be too hard, but I tend to get Neurotic. Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
neu·ro·sis [noo-roh-sis, nyoo-]
–noun, plural -ses [-seez]
1. Also called psychoneurosis. a functional disorder in which feelings of anxiety, obsessional thoughts, compulsive acts, and physical complaints without objective evidence of disease, in various degrees and patterns, dominate the personality.
2. a relatively mild personality disorder typified by excessive anxiety or indecision and a degree of social or interpersonal maladjustment.

I think only the bold apply to me, and certainly not the disease thing. And Im pretty sure I dont have a functional disorder or anxiety.

Here are the rules

Plain clothing:
color can vary,
no pre-maid logos - home made only!
long-sleeve. shot-sleeve & baseball t's
solid color Jacket
solid color pants, but one brand - im going with dickies
shoe's are the only thing that can not change at all - same brand & color; size can change.

Special Occasions - an example would be one of those times where your mom has practically laid out what your going to wear because it's important to her.


i think that part of my reason is to make my own designs. I chose the shirts because their good for home made designs. I chose the pants cause they remind me of my first year of college. I chose the shoes cause they remind me of elementary school. I never had black though.


postmaned said...

I don't think it should be to hard. Probably pretty simple. Good luck. Well if i have your name for Christmas it will make it pretty easy to shop.

kddub said...

that's a good idea, it will make it easier to get dressed in the morning.

you should post pictures of the shirts that you do make.