the 9-11 Fritos
On my way home from work I was looking for change to get a soda, so I looked under my seat. I found a bag of chips, I thought, how old are these. "Probably bad". Nope. "Guaranteed Fresh - Sep 11"....
It took me a second, but I thought, "I havnt seen all that crap on the TV yet this month so they must be good".
Have you thought about Twin Towers Attacks yet this month, if so what reminded you about it?
I dont really have a strong opinion about who, why, or retaliation; Im more interested in whats going to happen in another 5 that we'll never know. And what will come up in History books long after our time, kinda like the things we read about Rome...
I was watching Bourne Ultimatum last night and there was a preview that showed the New York City skyline. Maybe I just notice it more after 9-11 but I see the skyline all over the place and it always reminds of 9-11.
yeah, I thought about that today as I was sending my friend a birthday present, whose birthday is on the 11th...
cool picture too..
I think about it when I am on airplanes.
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